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Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Y. Cai Request for Comments: 8775 H. Ou Category: Standards Track Alibaba Group ISSN: 2070-1721 S. Vallepalli

                                                              M. Mishra
                                                              S. Venaas
                                                    Cisco Systems, Inc.
                                                               A. Green
                                                        British Telecom
                                                             April 2020

                 PIM Designated Router Load Balancing


  On a multi-access network, one of the PIM-SM (PIM Sparse Mode)
  routers is elected as a Designated Router.  One of the
  responsibilities of the Designated Router is to track local multicast
  listeners and forward data to these listeners if the group is
  operating in PIM-SM.  This document specifies a modification to the
  PIM-SM protocol that allows more than one of the PIM-SM routers to
  take on this responsibility so that the forwarding load can be
  distributed among multiple routers.

Status of This Memo

  This is an Internet Standards Track document.
  This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
  (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
  received public review and has been approved for publication by the
  Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information on
  Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.
  Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
  and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

Copyright Notice

  Copyright (c) 2020 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
  document authors.  All rights reserved.
  This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
  Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
  (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of
  publication of this document.  Please review these documents
  carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
  to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
  include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
  the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
  described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

  1.  Introduction
  2.  Terminology
  3.  Applicability
  4.  Functional Overview
    4.1.  GDR Candidates
  5.  Protocol Specification
    5.1.  Hash Mask and Hash Algorithm
    5.2.  Modulo Hash Algorithm
      5.2.1.  Modulo Hash Algorithm Examples
      5.2.2.  Limitations
    5.3.  PIM Hello Options
      5.3.1.  PIM DR Load-Balancing Capability (DRLB-Cap) Hello
      5.3.2.  PIM DR Load-Balancing List (DRLB-List) Hello Option
    5.4.  PIM DR Operation
    5.5.  PIM GDR Candidate Operation
    5.6.  DRLB-List Hello Option Processing
    5.7.  PIM Assert Modification
    5.8.  Backward Compatibility
  6.  Operational Considerations
  7.  IANA Considerations
    7.1.  Initial Registry
    7.2.  Assignment of New Hash Algorithms
  8.  Security Considerations
  9.  References
    9.1.  Normative References
    9.2.  Informative References
  Authors' Addresses

1. Introduction

  On a multi-access LAN (such as an Ethernet) with one or more PIM-SM
  (PIM Sparse Mode) [RFC7761] routers, one of the PIM-SM routers is
  elected as a Designated Router (DR).  The PIM DR has two
  responsibilities in the PIM-SM protocol.  For any active sources on a
  LAN, the PIM DR is responsible for registering with the Rendezvous
  Point (RP) if the group is operating in PIM-SM.  Also, the PIM DR is
  responsible for tracking local multicast listeners and forwarding
  data to these listeners if the group is operating in PIM-SM.
  Consider the following LAN in Figure 1:

                            (core networks)
                             |     |     |
                             |     |     |
                            R1    R2     R3
                             |     |     |
                           (many receivers)
                       Figure 1: LAN with Receivers
  Assume R1 is elected as the DR.  According to the PIM-SM protocol, R1
  will be responsible for forwarding traffic to that LAN on behalf of
  all local members.  In addition to keeping track of membership
  reports, R1 is also responsible for initiating the creation of source
  and/or shared trees towards the senders or the RPs.  The membership
  reports would be IGMP or Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) messages.
  This applies to any versions of the IGMP and MLD protocols.  The most
  recent versions are IGMPv3 [RFC3376] and MLDv2 [RFC3810].
  Having a single router acting as DR and being responsible for data-
  plane forwarding leads to several issues.  One of the issues is that
  the aggregated bandwidth will be limited to what R1 can handle with
  regards to capacity of incoming links, the interface on the LAN, and
  total forwarding capacity.  It is very common that a LAN consists of
  switches that run IGMP/MLD or PIM snooping [RFC4541].  This allows
  the forwarding of multicast packets to be restricted only to segments
  leading to receivers that have indicated their interest in multicast
  groups using either IGMP or MLD.  The emergence of the switched
  Ethernet allows the aggregated bandwidth to exceed, sometimes by a
  large number, that of a single link.  For example, let us modify
  Figure 1 and introduce an Ethernet switch in Figure 2.
                           (core networks)
                            |     |     |
                            |     |     |
                           R1    R2     R3
                            |     |     |
                         +                 +
                         +      switch     +
                         +                 +
                            |     |     |
                           H1    H2     H3
                    Figure 2: LAN with Ethernet Switch
  Let us assume that each individual link is a Gigabit Ethernet.  Each
  router (R1, R2, and R3) and the switch have enough forwarding
  capacity to handle hundreds of gigabits of data.
  Let us further assume that each of the hosts requests 500 Mbps of
  unique multicast data.  This totals to 1.5 Gbps of data, which is
  less than what each switch or the combined uplink bandwidth across
  the routers can handle, even under failure of a single router.
  On the other hand, the link between R1 and switch, via port gi1, can
  only handle a throughput of 1 Gbps.  And if R1 is the only DR (the
  PIM DR elected using the procedure defined by [RFC7761]), at least
  500 Mbps worth of data will be lost because the only link that can be
  used to draw the traffic from the routers to the switch is via gi1.
  In other words, the entire network's throughput is limited by the
  single connection between the PIM DR and the switch (or LAN, as in
  Figure 1).
  Another important issue is related to failover.  If R1 is the only
  forwarder on a shared LAN, when R1 goes out of service, multicast
  forwarding for the entire LAN has to be rebuilt by the newly elected
  PIM DR.  However, if there were a way that allowed multiple routers
  to forward to the LAN for different groups, failure of one of the
  routers would only lead to disruption to a subset of the flows,
  therefore improving the overall resilience of the network.
  This document specifies a modification to the PIM-SM protocol that
  allows more than one of these routers, called Group Designated
  Routers (GDRs), to be selected so that the forwarding load can be
  distributed among a number of routers.

2. Terminology

  The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
  "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
  BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
  capitals, as shown here.
  With respect to PIM-SM, this document follows the terminology that
  has been defined in [RFC7761].
  This document also introduces the following new acronyms:
  GDR: Group Designated Router.  For each multicast flow, either a
     (*,G) for Any-Source Multicast (ASM) or an (S,G) for Source-
     Specific Multicast (SSM) [RFC4607], a hash algorithm (described
     below) is used to select one of the routers as a GDR.  The GDR is
     responsible for initiating the forwarding tree building process
     for the corresponding multicast flow.
  GDR Candidate:  a router that has the potential to become a GDR.
     There might be multiple GDR Candidates on a LAN, but only one can
     become the GDR for a specific multicast flow.

3. Applicability

  The extension specified in this document applies to PIM-SM routers
  acting as last-hop routers (there are directly connected receivers).
  It does not alter the behavior of a PIM DR or any other routers on
  the first-hop network (directly connected sources).  This is because
  the source tree is built using the IP address of the sender, not the
  IP address of the PIM DR that sends PIM registers towards the RP.
  The load balancing between first-hop routers can be achieved
  naturally if an IGP provides equal cost multiple paths (which it
  usually does in practice).  Also, distributing the load to do source
  registration does not justify the additional complexity required to
  support it.

4. Functional Overview

  In the PIM DR election as defined in [RFC7761], when multiple routers
  are connected to a multi-access LAN (for example, an Ethernet), one
  of them is elected to act as PIM DR.  The PIM DR is responsible for
  sending local Join/Prune messages towards the RP or source.  In order
  to elect the PIM DR, each PIM router on the LAN examines the received
  PIM Hello messages and compares its own DR priority and IP address
  with those of its neighbors.  The router with the highest DR priority
  is the PIM DR.  If there are multiple such routers, their IP
  addresses are used as the tiebreaker, as described in [RFC7761].
  In order to share forwarding load among last-hop routers, besides the
  normal PIM DR election, one or more GDRs are elected on the multi-
  access LAN.  There is only one PIM DR on the multi-access LAN, but
  there might be multiple GDR Candidates.
  For each multicast flow, that is, (*,G) for ASM and (S,G) for SSM, a
  hash algorithm (Section 5.1) is used to select one of the routers to
  be the GDR.  The new DR Load-Balancing Capability (DRLB-Cap) PIM
  Hello Option is used to announce the Capability, as well as the hash
  algorithm type.  Routers with the new DRLB-Cap Option advertised in
  their PIM Hello, using the same GDR election hash algorithm and the
  same DR priority as the PIM DR, are considered as GDR Candidates.
  Hash masks are defined for Source, Group, and RP, separately, in
  order to handle PIM ASM/SSM.  The masks, as well as a sorted list of
  GDR Candidate addresses, are announced by the DR in a new DR Load-
  Balancing List (DRLB-List) PIM Hello Option.
  A hash algorithm based on the announced Source, Group, or RP masks
  allows one GDR to be assigned to a corresponding multicast state.
  That GDR is responsible for initiating the creation of the multicast
  forwarding tree for multicast traffic.

4.1. GDR Candidates

  GDR is the new concept introduced by this specification.  GDR
  Candidates are routers eligible for GDR election on the LAN.  To
  become a GDR Candidate, a router must have the same DR priority and
  run the same GDR election hash algorithm as the DR on the LAN.
  For example, assume there are 4 routers on the LAN: R1, R2, R3, and
  R4, each announcing a DRLB-Cap Option.  R1, R2, and R3 have the same
  DR priority, while R4's DR priority is less preferred.  In this
  example, R4 will not be eligible for GDR election, because R4 will
  not become a PIM DR unless all of R1, R2, and R3 go out of service.
  Furthermore, assume router R1 wins the PIM DR election, R1 and R2
  advertise the same hash algorithm for GDR election, while R3
  advertises a different one.  In this case, only R1 and R2 will be
  eligible for GDR election, while R3 will not.
  As a DR, R1 will include its own Load-Balancing Hash Masks and the
  identity of R1 and R2 (the GDR Candidates) in its DRLB-List Hello

5. Protocol Specification

5.1. Hash Mask and Hash Algorithm

  A hash mask is used to extract a number of bits from the
  corresponding IP address field (32 for IPv4, 128 for IPv6) and
  calculate a hash value.  A hash value is used to select a GDR from
  GDR Candidates advertised by the PIM DR.  Hash masks allow for
  certain flows to always be forwarded by the same GDR, by ignoring
  certain bits in the hash value calculation, so that the hash values
  are the same.  For example, defines a hash mask for an IPv4
  address that masks the first, second, and fourth octets, which means
  that only the third octet will influence the hash value computed.
  Note that the masks need not be a contiguous set of bits.  For
  example, for IPv4, would be a valid mask.
  In the text below, a hash mask is, in some places, said to be zero.
  A hash mask is zero if no bits are set, that is, for IPv4 and
  :: for IPv6.  Also, a hash mask is said to be an all-bits-set mask if
  it is for IPv4 or
  ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff for IPv6.
  There are three hash masks defined:
  *  RP Hash Mask
  *  Source Hash Mask
  *  Group Hash Mask
  The hash masks need to be configured on the PIM routers that can
  potentially become a PIM DR, unless the implementation provides
  default hash mask values.  An implementation SHOULD have default hash
  mask values as follows.  The default RP Hash Mask SHOULD be zero (no
  bits set).  The default Source and Group Hash Masks SHOULD both be
  all-bits-set masks.  These default values are likely acceptable for
  most deployments and simplify configuration.  There is only a need to
  use other masks if one needs to ensure that certain flows are
  forwarded by the same GDR.
  The DRLB-List Hello Option contains a list of GDR Candidates.  The
  first one listed has ordinal number 0, the second listed ordinal
  number 1, and the last one has ordinal number N - 1 if there are N
  candidates listed.  The hash value computed will be the ordinal
  number of the GDR Candidate that is acting as GDR for the flow in
  The input to be hashed is determined as follows:
  *  If the group is in ASM mode and the RP Hash Mask announced by the
     PIM DR is not zero (at least one bit is set), calculate the value
     of hashvalue_RP (Section 5.2) to determine the GDR.
  *  If the group is in ASM mode and the RP Hash Mask announced by the
     PIM DR is zero (no bits are set), obtain the value of
     hashvalue_Group (Section 5.2) to determine the GDR.
  *  If the group is in SSM mode, use hashvalue_SG (Section 5.2) to
     determine the GDR.
  A simple modulo hash algorithm is defined in this document.  However,
  to allow another hash algorithm to be used, a 1-octet "Hash
  Algorithm" field is included in the DRLB-Cap Hello Option to specify
  the hash algorithm used by the router.
  If different hash algorithms are advertised among the routers on a
  LAN, only the routers advertising the same hash algorithm as the DR
  (as well as having the same DR priority as the DR) are eligible for
  GDR election.

5.2. Modulo Hash Algorithm

  As part of computing the hash, the notation LSZC(hash_mask) is used
  to denote the number of zeroes counted from the least significant bit
  of a hash mask hash_mask.  As an example, LSZC(255.255.128) is 7 and
  LSZC(ffff:8000::) is 111.  If all bits are set, LSZC will be 0.  If
  the mask is zero, then LSZC will be 32 for IPv4 and 128 for IPv6.
  The number of GDR Candidates is denoted as GDRC.
  The idea behind the modulo hash algorithm is, in simple terms, that
  the corresponding mask is applied to a value, then the result is
  shifted right LSZC(mask) bits so that the least significant bits that
  were masked out are not considered.  Then, this result is masked by
  0xffffffff, keeping only the last 32 bits of the result (this only
  makes a difference for IPv6).  Finally, the hash value is this result
  modulo the number of GDR Candidates (GDRC).
  The modulo hash algorithm, for computing the values hashvalue_RP,
  hashvalue_Group, and hashvalue_SG, is defined as follows.
  hashvalue_RP is calculated as:
     (((RP_address & RP_mask) >> LSZC(RP_mask)) & 0xffffffff) % GDRC
     RP_address is the address of the RP defined for the group, and
     RP_mask is the RP Hash Mask.
  hashvalue_Group is calculated as:
     (((Group_address & Group_mask) >> LSZC(Group_mask)) & 0xffffffff)
     % GDRC
     Group_address is the group address, and Group_mask is the Group
     Hash Mask.
  hashvalue_SG is calculated as:
     ((((Source_address & Source_mask) >> LSZC(Source_mask)) &
     0xffffffff) ^ (((Group_address & Group_mask) >> LSZC(Group_mask))
     & 0xffffffff)) % GDRC
     Group_address is the group address, and Group_mask is the Group
     Hash Mask.

5.2.1. Modulo Hash Algorithm Examples

  To help illustrate the algorithm, consider this example.  Router X
  with IPv4 address receives a DRLB-List Hello Option from
  the DR that announces RP Hash Mask and a list of GDR
  Candidates, sorted by IP addresses from high to low:,, and  The ordinal number assigned to those
  addresses would be:
  0 for; 1 for; 2 for (Router X).
  Assume there are 2 RPs: RP1 for Group1 and RP2
  for Group2.  Following the modulo hash algorithm:
  *  LSZC( is 8, and GDRC is 3.  The hashvalue_RP for Group1
     with RP RP1 is:
     ((( & >> 8) & 0xffffffff % 3)
     = 2 % 3
     = 2
     This matches the ordinal number assigned to Router X.  Router X
     will be the GDR for Group1.
  *  The hashvalue_RP for Group2 with RP RP2 is:
     ((( & >> 8) & 0xffffffff % 3)
     = 100 % 3
     = 1
     This is different from the ordinal number of Router X (2).  Hence,
     Router X will not be GDR for Group2.
  For IPv6, consider this example, similar to the above.  Router X with
  IPv6 address fe80::1 receives a DRLB-List Hello Option from the DR
  that announces RP Hash Mask ::ffff:ffff:ffff:0 and a list of GDR
  Candidates, sorted by IP addresses from high to low: fe80::3,
  fe80::2, and fe80::1.  The ordinal number assigned to those addresses
  would be:
     0 for fe80::3; 1 for fe80::2; 2 for fe80::1 (Router X).
  Assume there are 2 RPs: RP1 2001:db8::1:0:5678:1 for Group1 and RP2
  2001:db8::1:0:1234:2 for Group2.  Following the modulo hash
  *  LSZC(::ffff:ffff:ffff:0) is 16, and GDRC is 3.  The hashvalue_RP
     for Group1 with RP RP1 is:
     (((2001:db8::1:0:5678:1 & ::ffff:ffff:ffff:0) >> 16) &
      0xffffffff % 3)
     = ((::1:0:5678:0 >> 16) & 0xffffffff % 3)
     = (::1:0:5678 & 0xffffffff % 3)
     = ::5678 % 3
     = 2
     This matches the ordinal number assigned to Router X.  Router X
     will be the GDR for Group1.
  *  The hashvalue_RP for Group2 with RP RP2 is:
     (((2001:db8::1:0:1234:1 & ::ffff:ffff:ffff:0) >> 16) &
      0xffffffff % 3)
     = ((::1:0:1234:0 >> 16) & 0xffffffff % 3)
     = (::1:0:1234 & 0xffffffff % 3)
     = ::1234 % 3
     = 1
     This is different from the ordinal number of Router X (2).  Hence,
     Router X will not be GDR for Group2.

5.2.2. Limitations

  The modulo hash algorithm has poor failover characteristics when a
  shared LAN has more than two GDRs.  In the case of more than two GDRs
  on a LAN, when one GDR fails, all of the groups may be reassigned to
  a different GDR, even if they were not assigned to the failed GDR.
  However, many deployments use only two routers on a shared LAN for
  redundancy purposes.  Future work may define new hash algorithms
  where only groups assigned to the failed GDR get reassigned.
  The modulo hash algorithm will use, at most, 32 consecutive bits of
  the input addresses for its computation.  Exactly which bits are used
  of the source, group, or RP addresses depend on the respective masks.
  This limitation may be an issue for IPv6 deployments, since not all
  bits of the IPv6 addresses are considered.  If this causes
  operational issues, a new hash algorithm would need to be defined.

5.3. PIM Hello Options

  PIM routers include a new option, called "Load-Balancing Capability
  (DRLB-Cap)", in their PIM Hello messages.
  Besides this DRLB-Cap Hello Option, the elected PIM DR also includes
  a new "DR Load-Balancing List (DRLB-List) Hello Option".  The DRLB-
  List Hello Option consists of three hash masks, as defined above, and
  also a list of GDR Candidate addresses on the LAN.  It is recommended
  that the GDR Candidate addresses are sorted in descending order.
  This ensures that when using algorithms, such as the modulo hash
  algorithm in this document, that it is predictable which GDR is
  responsible for which groups, regardless of the order the DR learned
  about the candidates.

5.3.1. PIM DR Load-Balancing Capability (DRLB-Cap) Hello Option

     0                   1                   2                   3
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |           Type = 34           |         Length = 4            |
    |                     Reserved                  |Hash Algorithm |
         Figure 3: PIM DR Load-Balancing Capability Hello Option
  Type:  34
  Length:  4
  Reserved:  Transmitted as zero, ignored on receipt.
  Hash Algorithm:  Hash algorithm type.  A value listed in the IANA
     "PIM Designated Router Load-Balancing Hash Algorithms" registry. 0
     is used for the hash algorithm defined in this document.
  This DRLB-Cap Hello Option MUST be advertised by routers on all
  interfaces where DR Load Balancing is enabled.  Note that the option
  is included, at most, once.

5.3.2. PIM DR Load-Balancing List (DRLB-List) Hello Option

     0                   1                   2                   3
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |           Type = 35           |         Length                |
    |                          Group Mask                           |
    |                          Source Mask                          |
    |                            RP Mask                            |
    |                    GDR Candidate Address(es)                  |
            Figure 4: PIM DR Load-Balancing List Hello Option
  Type:  35
  Length:  (3 + n) x (4 or 16) bytes, where n is the number of GDR
  Group Mask (32/128 bits):  Mask applied to group addresses as part of
     hash computation.
  Source Mask (32/128 bits):  Mask applied to source addresses as part
     of hash computation.
  RP Mask (32/128 bits):  Mask applied to RP addresses as part of hash
  All masks MUST have the same number of bits as the IP source address
  in the PIM Hello IP header.
  GDR Candidate Address(es) (32/128 bits):  List of GDR Candidate(s)
     All addresses MUST be in the same address family as the PIM Hello
     IP header.  It is recommended that the addresses are sorted in
     descending order.
     If the "Interface ID" option, as specified in [RFC6395], is
     present in a GDR Candidate's PIM Hello message and the "Router
     Identifier" portion is non-zero:
     *  For IPv4, the "GDR Candidate Address" will be set directly to
        the "Router Identifier".
     *  For IPv6, the "GDR Candidate Address" will be 96 bits of
        zeroes, followed by the 32 bit Router Identifier.
     If the "Interface ID" option is not present in a GDR Candidate's
     PIM Hello message or if the "Interface ID" option is present but
     the "Router Identifier" field is zero, the "GDR Candidate Address"
     will be the IPv4 or IPv6 source address of the PIM Hello message.
     This DRLB-List Hello Option MUST only be advertised by the elected
     PIM DR.  It MUST be ignored if received from a non-DR.  The option
     MUST also be ignored if the hash masks are not the correct number
     of bits or GDR Candidate addresses are in the wrong address

5.4. PIM DR Operation

  The DR election process is still the same as defined in [RFC7761].
  The DR advertises the new DRLB-List Hello Option, which contains mask
  values from user configuration (or default values), followed by a
  list of GDR Candidate addresses.  Note that if a router included the
  "Interface ID" option in the hello message and the Router ID is non-
  zero, the Router ID will be used to form the GDR Candidate address of
  the router, as discussed in the previous section.  It is recommended
  that the list be sorted from the highest value to the lowest value.
  The reason for sorting the list is to make the behavior
  deterministic, regardless of the order in which the DR learns of new
  candidates.  Note that, as for non-DR routers, the DR also advertises
  the DRLB-Cap Hello Option to indicate its ability to support the new
  functionality and the type of GDR election hash algorithm it uses.
  If a PIM DR receives a neighbor DRLB-Cap Hello Option that contains
  the same hash algorithm as the DR and the neighbor has the same DR
  priority as the DR, PIM DR SHOULD consider the neighbor as a GDR
  Candidate and insert the GDR Candidate's Address into the list of the
  DRLB-List Option.  However, the DR may have policies limiting which
  or the number of GDR Candidates to include.  Likewise, the DR SHOULD
  include itself in the list of GDR Candidates, but it is permissible
  not to do so, for instance, if there is some policy restricting the
  candidate set.
  If a PIM neighbor included in the list expires, stops announcing the
  DRLB-Cap Hello Option, changes DR priority, changes hash algorithm,
  or otherwise becomes ineligible as a candidate, the DR SHOULD
  immediately send a triggered hello with a new list in the DRLB-List
  option, excluding the neighbor.
  If a new router becomes eligible as a candidate, there is no urgency
  in sending out an updated list.  An updated list SHOULD be included
  in the next hello.

5.5. PIM GDR Candidate Operation

  When an IGMP/MLD report is received, a hash algorithm is used by the
  GDR Candidates to determine which router is going to be responsible
  for building forwarding trees on behalf of the host.
  The router MUST include the DRLB-Cap Hello Option in all PIM Hello
  messages sent on the interface.  Note that the presence of the DRLB-
  Cap Option in the PIM Hello does not guarantee that the router will
  be considered as a GDR Candidate.  Once the DR election is done, the
  DRLB-List Hello Option is received from the current PIM DR containing
  a list of the selected GDR Candidates.
  A router only acts as a GDR Candidate if it is included in the GDR
  Candidate list of the DRLB-List Hello Option.  See next section for

5.6. DRLB-List Hello Option Processing

  This section discusses processing of the DRLB-List Hello Option,
  including the case where it was received in the previous hello but
  not in the current hello.  All routers MUST ignore the DRLB-List
  Hello Option if it is received from a PIM router that is not the DR.
  The option MUST only be processed by routers that are announcing the
  DRLB-Cap Option and only if the hash algorithm announced by the DR is
  the same as the local announcement.  All GDR Candidates MUST use the
  hash masks advertised in the Option, even if they differ from those
  the candidate was configured with.  The DR MUST also process its own
  DRLB-List Hello Option.
  A router stores the latest option contents that were announced, if
  any, and deletes the previous contents.  The router MUST also compare
  the new contents with any previous contents and, if there are any
  changes, continue processing as below.  Note that if the option does
  not pass the above checks, the below processing MUST be done as if
  the option was not announced.
  If the contents of the DRLB-List Option, the masks, or the candidate
  list differ from the previously saved copy, it is received for the
  first time, or it is no longer being received or accepted, the option
  MUST be processed as below.
  1.  If the local router is included in the "GDR Candidate
      Address(es)" field, it will look for its own address, or if it
      announces a non-zero Router ID, its own Router ID.  For each of
      the groups or source and group pairs, if the group is in SSM mode
      with local receiver interest, the router MUST run the hash
      algorithm to determine which of them is for the GDR.
      *  If there is no change in the GDR status, then no further
         action is required.
      *  If the router becomes the new GDR, then a multicast forwarding
         tree MUST be built [RFC7761].
      *  If the router is no longer the GDR, then it uses an Assert as
         explained in Section 5.7.
  2.  If one of the following occurs:
      *  the local router is not included in the "GDR Candidate
         Address(es)" field,
      *  the DRLB-List Hello Option is no longer included in the DR's
         Hello, or
      *  the DR's Neighbor Liveness Timer expires [RFC7761],
      then for each group (or each source and group pair if the group
      is in SSM mode) with local receiver interest, for which the
      router is the GDR, the router uses an Assert as explained in
      Section 5.7.

5.7. PIM Assert Modification

  GDR changes may occur due to configuration change, GDR Candidates
  going down, and also new routers coming up and becoming GDR
  Candidates.  This may occur while flows are being forwarded.  If the
  GDR for an active flow changes, there is likely to be some
  disruption, such as packet loss or duplicates.  By using asserts,
  packet loss is minimized while allowing a small amount of duplicates.
  When a router stops acting as the GDR for a group, or source and
  group pair if SSM, it MUST set the Assert metric preference to
  maximum (0x7fffffff) and the Assert metric to one less than maximum
  (0xfffffffe).  That is, whenever it sends or receives an Assert for
  the group, it must use these values as the metric preference and
  metric rather than the values provided by the unicast routing
  The rest of this section is just for illustration purposes and not
  part of the protocol definition.
  To illustrate the behavior when there is a GDR change, consider the
  following scenario where there are two flows: G1 and G2.  R1 is the
  GDR for G1, and R2 is the GDR for G2.  When R3 comes up, it is
  possible that R3 becomes GDR for both G1 and G2; hence, R3 starts to
  build the forwarding tree for G1 and G2.  If R1 and R2 stop
  forwarding before R3 completes the process, packet loss might occur.
  On the other hand, if R1 and R2 continue forwarding while R3 is
  building the forwarding trees, duplicates might occur.
  When the role of GDR changes as above, instead of immediately
  stopping forwarding, R1 and R2 continue forwarding to G1 and G2
  respectively, while, at the same time, R3 build forwarding trees for
  G1 and G2.  This will lead to PIM Asserts.
  For G1, using the functionality described in this document, R1 and R3
  determine the new GDR, which is R3.  With the modified Assert
  behavior, R1 sets its Assert metric to the near maximum value, as
  discussed above.  That will make R3, which has normal metric in its
  Assert, the Assert winner.

5.8. Backward Compatibility

  In the case of a hybrid Ethernet shared LAN (where some PIM routers
  support the functionality defined in this document and some do not):
  *  If the DR does not support the new functionality, then there will
     be no load balancing.
  *  If non-DR routers do not support the new functionality, they will
     not be considered as GDR Candidate and will not take part in load
     balancing.  Load balancing may still happen on the link.

6. Operational Considerations

  An administrator needs to consider what the total bandwidth
  requirements are and find a set of routers that together have enough
  available capacity while making sure that each of the routers can
  handle its part, assuming that the traffic is distributed roughly
  equally among the routers.  Ideally, one should also have enough
  bandwidth to handle the case where at least one router fails.  All
  routers should have reachability to the sources and RPs, if
  applicable, that are not via the LAN.
  Care must be taken when choosing what hash masks to configure.  One
  would typically configure the same masks on all the routers so that
  they are the same, regardless of which router is elected as DR.  The
  default masks are likely suitable for most deployment.  The RP Hash
  Mask must be configured (the default is no bits set) if one wishes to
  hash based on the RP address rather than the group address for ASM.
  The default masks will use the entire group addresses, and source
  addresses if SSM, as part of the hash.  An administrator may set
  other masks that mask out part of the addresses to ensure that
  certain flows always get hashed to the same router.  How this is
  achieved depends on how the group addresses are allocated.
  Only the routers announcing the same hash algorithm as the DR would
  be considered as GDR Candidates.  Network administrators need to make
  sure that the desired set of routers announce the same algorithm.
  Migration between different algorithms is not considered in this

7. IANA Considerations

  IANA has made these assignments in the "PIM-Hello Options" registry:
  value 34 for the PIM DR Load-Balancing Capability (DRLB-Cap) Hello
  Option (with Length of 4), and value 35 for the PIM DR Load-Balancing
  List (DRLB-List) Hello Option (with variable Length).
  Per this document, IANA has created a registry called "PIM Designated
  Router Load-Balancing Hash Algorithms" in the "Protocol Independent
  Multicast (PIM)" branch of the registry tree.  The registry lists
  hash algorithms for use by PIM Designated Router Load Balancing.

7.1. Initial Registry

  The initial content of the registry is as follows.
                   | Type  | Name       | Reference |
                   | 0     | Modulo     | RFC 8775  |
                   | 1-255 | Unassigned |           |
                                Table 1

7.2. Assignment of New Hash Algorithms

  Assignment of new hash algorithms is done according to the "IETF
  Review" procedure; see [RFC8126].

8. Security Considerations

  Security of the new DR Load-Balancing PIM Hello Options is only
  guaranteed by the security of PIM Hello messages, so the security
  considerations for PIM Hello messages, as described in PIM-SM
  [RFC7761], apply here.
  If the DR is subverted, it could omit or add certain GDRs or announce
  an unsupported algorithm.  If another router is subverted, it could
  be made DR and cause similar issues.  While these issues are specific
  to this specification, they are not that different from existing
  attacks, such as subverting a DR and lowering the DR priority,
  causing a different router to become the DR.
  If, for any reason, the DR includes a GDR in the announced list that
  announces a different algorithm from what the DR announces, the GDR
  is required to ignore the announcement, and there will be no router
  acting as the DR for the flows that hash to that GDR.
  If a GDR is subverted, it could potentially be made to stop
  forwarding all the traffic it is expected to forward.  This is also
  similar today to if a DR is subverted.
  An administrator may be able to achieve the desired load balancing of
  known flows, but an attacker may send a single high rate flow that is
  served by a single GDR or send multiple flows that are expected to be
  hashed to the same GDR.

9. References

9.1. Normative References

  [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
             Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
             DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,
  [RFC6395]  Gulrajani, S. and S. Venaas, "An Interface Identifier (ID)
             Hello Option for PIM", RFC 6395, DOI 10.17487/RFC6395,
             October 2011, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6395>.
  [RFC7761]  Fenner, B., Handley, M., Holbrook, H., Kouvelas, I.,
             Parekh, R., Zhang, Z., and L. Zheng, "Protocol Independent
             Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM): Protocol Specification
             (Revised)", STD 83, RFC 7761, DOI 10.17487/RFC7761, March
             2016, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7761>.
  [RFC8126]  Cotton, M., Leiba, B., and T. Narten, "Guidelines for
             Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26,
             RFC 8126, DOI 10.17487/RFC8126, June 2017,
  [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
             2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
             May 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174>.

9.2. Informative References

  [RFC3376]  Cain, B., Deering, S., Kouvelas, I., Fenner, B., and A.
             Thyagarajan, "Internet Group Management Protocol, Version
             3", RFC 3376, DOI 10.17487/RFC3376, October 2002,
  [RFC3810]  Vida, R., Ed. and L. Costa, Ed., "Multicast Listener
             Discovery Version 2 (MLDv2) for IPv6", RFC 3810,
             DOI 10.17487/RFC3810, June 2004,
  [RFC4541]  Christensen, M., Kimball, K., and F. Solensky,
             "Considerations for Internet Group Management Protocol
             (IGMP) and Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping
             Switches", RFC 4541, DOI 10.17487/RFC4541, May 2006,
  [RFC4607]  Holbrook, H. and B. Cain, "Source-Specific Multicast for
             IP", RFC 4607, DOI 10.17487/RFC4607, August 2006,


  The authors would like to thank Steve Simlo and Taki Millonis for
  helping with the original idea; Alia Atlas, Bill Atwood, Joe Clarke,
  Alissa Cooper, Jake Holland, Bharat Joshi, Anish Kachinthaya, Anvitha
  Kachinthaya, Benjamin Kaduk, Mirja Kühlewind, Barry Leiba, Ben Niven-
  Jenkins, Alvaro Retana, Adam Roach, Michael Scharf, Éric Vyncke, and
  Carl Wallace for reviews and comments; and Toerless Eckert and
  Rishabh Parekh for helpful conversation on the document.

Authors' Addresses

  Yiqun Cai
  Alibaba Group
  520 Almanor Avenue
  Sunnyvale, CA 94085
  United States of America
  Email: [email protected]

  Heidi Ou
  Alibaba Group
  520 Almanor Avenue
  Sunnyvale, CA 94085
  United States of America
  Email: [email protected]

  Sri Vallepalli
  Email: [email protected]

  Mankamana Mishra
  Cisco Systems, Inc.
  821 Alder Drive,
  Milpitas, CA 95035
  United States of America
  Email: [email protected]

  Stig Venaas
  Cisco Systems, Inc.
  Tasman Drive
  San Jose, CA 95134
  United States of America
  Email: [email protected]

  Andy Green
  British Telecom
  Adastral Park
  IP5 2RE
  United Kingdom
  Email: [email protected]