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Network Working Group S. Yeh Request for Comments: 1204 D. Lee

                                             Netix Communications, Inc.
                                                          February 1991

                    Message Posting Protocol (MPP)

Status of this Memo

  This memo describes a protocol for posting messages from workstations
  (e.g., PCs) to a mail service host.  This RFC specifies an
  Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.  Discussion and
  suggestions for improvement are requested.  Please refer to the
  current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol Standards" for the
  standardization state and status of this protocol.  Distribution of
  this memo is unlimited.


  Operating systems for personal computers do not provide a mechanism
  for user authentication.  However, such a mechanism is crucial for
  electronic mail system since authenticating message sender's identity
  is important in preventing mail forgery.  Hence, adding personal
  computers to an electronic mail network requires an agent (message
  posting server) to authenticate sender's identity and then submit
  mail to the message delivery system (e.g., Sendmail, MMDF) on behalf
  of the sender at a PC.  The Netix Message Posting Protocol is
  developed to be the interface between the message posting server and
  the PC (client).  The protocol is designed to use TCP and is based on
  the command and reply structures defined for Simple Mail Transfer
  Protocol (RFC 821) and File Transfer Protocol (RFC 959).


2.1. Command List

     USER <SP> <username> <CRLF>
     PASS <SP> <password> <CRLF>
     DATA <CRLF>
     NOOP <CRLF>
     QUIT <CRLF>

2.2. Reply List

     220 Message Posting Service Ready.
     221 Closing Connection.
     250 Command OK.

Yeh & Lee

RFC 1204 MPP February 1991

     354 Enter mail, end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
     451 Local error encountered.
     500 Command unrecognized.
     501 Argument syntax error.
     503 Illegal command sequence.
     530 Authentication Failure.
     550 Error.

2.3. Command and Reply Descriptions

     USER <SP> <username> <CRLF>
        The USER command informs the message posting server about the
        username of the user trying to submit mail to the network.  The
        required argument for the USER command is a string specifying
        the message sender's username.
        The USER command can only be used under three conditions:
        - when the session with the message posting server has just
        - right after a message text (terminated by the "<CRLF>.<CRLF>"
          sequence) has been successfully submitted to the message
          posting server;
        - right after a USER command that gets the reply code 501.
        List of possible reply codes for the USER command:
        - 250   The username of the message sender has been accepted.
        - 451   Internal error has occurred in the message posting
        - 501   Syntax error detected in the username argument.
        - 503   The USER command has been used under an inappropriate
                condition (i.e., one that is not specified above).
        It is recommended that the message posting server should return
        250 even if the username is not recognized by the message
        posting server, as long as the username is syntactically
        correct.  This is an attempt to prevent the message posting
        server from releasing too much information about the user
        database.  Client should not be able to test the existence of a
        certain username.

Yeh & Lee

RFC 1204 MPP February 1991

     PASS <SP> <password> <CRLF>
        The PASS command is used to inform the message posting server
        about the password associated with the username previously
        specified.  The required argument for the PASS command is a
        string specifying the message sender's password.
        The PASS command can only be used under two conditions:
        - right after a USER command that gets the reply code 250;
        - right after a PASS command that gets the reply code 501.
        List of possible reply codes for the PASS command:
        - 250   The password has been accepted and verified to be
                correctly associated with the username previously
        - 451   Internal error has occurred in the message posting
        - 501   Syntax error detected in the password argument.
        - 503   The PASS command has been used under an inappropriate
                condition (i.e., one that is not specified above).
        - 530   The password provided is not the one associated with the
                username previously specified.
     DATA <CRLF>
        The DATA command is used to inform the message posting server
        to get ready to accept a mail message text.  No argument is
        expected.  (This command has the same meaning as the DATA
        command defined in RFC 821.)
        The DATA command can only be used under two conditions:
        - right after a PASS command that gets the reply code 250;
        - right after a mail message text has been successfully
          accepted from the client.
        List of possible reply codes for the DATA command:
        - 354   The message posting server is ready to accept the mail
                message text.

Yeh & Lee

RFC 1204 MPP February 1991

        - 451   Internal error has occurred in the message posting
        - 503   The DATA command has been used under an inappropriate
                condition (i.e., one that is not specified above).
        Upon receiving the reply code 354 for the DATA command, the
        client should submit the mail message text to message posting
        server and terminate the text by the sequence "<CRLF>.<CRLF>"
        as defined in RFC 821.  If the message text includes the
        "<CRLF>.<CRLF>" sequence, then the sequence is replaced by the
        "<CRLF>..<CRLF>" sequence as defined in RFC 821.  The extra "."
        token will not be included in the final copy of the submitted
        Upon receiving the mail message text terminated by the
        "<CRLF>.<CRLF>" sequence, list of possible reply codes is:
        - 250   The mail message text has been successfully queued for
        - 451   Internal error has occurred in the message posting
                server and the mail message text has not been queued.
     NOOP <CRLF>
        The NOOP command does not cause any action to be performed by
        the message posting server.  Instead, it tests the status of
        the message posting server.  No argument is expected.
        The NOOP command cannot be used under one condition:
        - right after a DATA command that gets the reply code 354
          (i.e., when the message posting server is expecting the client
          to submit the mail message text).
        List of possible reply codes for the NOOP command:
        - 250   The message posting server has not encountered any
                internal error.
        - 451   Internal error has occurred in the message posting
                server during the current session.
     QUIT <CRLF>
        The QUIT command is used to terminate the session with the
        message posting server.  No argument is expected.

Yeh & Lee

RFC 1204 MPP February 1991

        The QUIT command can be used under any condition.  The message
        posting server should always return the reply code 221 for the
        QUIT command.


  There are several issues to be considered when implementing the
  message posting server:
  - secured environment
  - port number assignment
  - handling of idle client
  - local/remote password database
  - message queuing
  - handling of message delivery failure

3.1 Secured Environment

  The message posting server is responsible for authenticating message
  senders and submitting mail to the message delivery system.  Hence,
  it should be running in a secured environment, such as running on a
  system (UNIX, VMS, MS-DOS) with well restricted physical and network

3.2 Port Number Assignment

  Port 218 is assigned for the Netix Message Posting Protocol.

3.3 Handling of Idle Client

  The message posting server should terminate a session if the client
  has been idle for too long, to release the resource allocated for the

3.4 Local/Remote Password Database

  To take advantage of existing password databases, such as the passwd
  file in UNIX, the message posting server can use FTP and POP3 to
  perform the username and password checking with the appropriate
  For network that does not have any password database, the message
  posting server should let the system administrator specify a local
  password file on the host that the message posting server is running.

Yeh & Lee

RFC 1204 MPP February 1991

3.5 Message Queuing

  The message posting server should attempt to submit accepted messages
  to the message delivery system as soon as possible.

3.6 Handling of Message Delivery Failure

  Failure in delivering messages should be handled by the message
  delivery system and the message posting server should not interfere.


  [1] Postel, J., "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", RFC 821,
      USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1982.
  [2] Postel, J., and J. Reynolds, "File Transfer Protocol", RFC 959,
      USC/Information Sciences Institute, October 1985.

Security Considerations

  Security issues are discussed in section 3.1.

Authors' Addresses

  Shannon Yeh
  Netix Communications, Inc.
  15375 Barranca Parkway, Suite A-215
  Irvine, CA 92718
  Phone: (714) 727-9335
  Email: [email protected]

  David Lee
  Netix Communications, Inc.
  15375 Barranca Parkway, Suite A-215
  Irvine, CA 92718
  Phone: (714) 727-9335
  EMail: [email protected]

Yeh & Lee