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Network Working Group R. Herriot, Ed. Request for Comments: 2565 Xerox Corporation Category: Experimental S. Butler

                                                            P. Moore
                                                           R. Turner
                                                          Sharp Labs
                                                          April 1999
     Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Encoding and Transport

Status of this Memo

This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.


This document defines an Experimental protocol for the Internet community. The IESG expects that a revised version of this protocol will be published as Proposed Standard protocol. The Proposed Standard, when published, is expected to change from the protocol defined in this memo. In particular, it is expected that the standards-track version of the protocol will incorporate strong authentication and privacy features, and that an "ipp:" URL type will be defined which supports those security measures. Other changes to the protocol are also possible. Implementors are warned that future versions of this protocol may not interoperate with the version of IPP defined in this document, or if they do interoperate, that some protocol features may not be available.

The IESG encourages experimentation with this protocol, especially in combination with Transport Layer Security (TLS) [[[RFC2246|RFC 2246]]], to help determine how TLS may effectively be used as a security layer for IPP.


This document is one of a set of documents, which together describe all aspects of a new Internet Printing Protocol (IPP). IPP is an application level protocol that can be used for distributed printing using Internet tools and technologies. This document defines the rules for encoding IPP operations and IPP attributes into a new Internet mime media type called "application/ipp". This document also defines the rules for transporting over HTTP a message body whose Content-Type is "application/ipp".

The full set of IPP documents includes:

  Design Goals for an Internet Printing Protocol RFC2567
  Rationale for the Structure and Model and Protocol for the
  Internet Printing Protocol RFC2568
  Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and Semantics RFC2566
  Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Encoding and Transport (this
  Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Implementer's Guide [ipp-iig]
  Mapping between LPD and IPP Protocols RFC2569

The document, "Design Goals for an Internet Printing Protocol", takes a broad look at distributed printing functionality, and it enumerates real-life scenarios that help to clarify the features that need to be included in a printing protocol for the Internet. It identifies requirements for three types of users: end users, operators, and administrators. It calls out a subset of end user requirements that are satisfied in IPP/1.0. Operator and administrator requirements are out of scope for version 1.0.

The document, "Rationale for the Structure and Model and Protocol for the Internet Printing Protocol", describes IPP from a high level view, defines a roadmap for the various documents that form the suite of IPP specifications, and gives background and rationale for the IETF working group's major decisions.

The document, "Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and Semantics", describes a simplified model with abstract objects, their attributes, and their operations that are independent of encoding and transport. It introduces a Printer and a Job object. The Job object optionally supports multiple documents per Job. It also addresses security, internationalization, and directory issues.

This document "Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Implementer's Guide", gives advice to implementers of IPP clients and IPP objects.

The document "Mapping between LPD and IPP Protocols" gives some advice to implementers of gateways between IPP and LPD (Line Printer Daemon) implementations.

10. Appendix C: Registration of MIME Media Type Information for


This document contains the rules for encoding IPP operations and describes two layers: the transport layer and the operation layer.

The transport layer consists of an HTTP/1.1 request or response. RFC 2068 RFC2068 describes HTTP/1.1. This document specifies the HTTP headers that an IPP implementation supports.

The operation layer consists of a message body in an HTTP request or response. The document "Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and Semantics" RFC2566 defines the semantics of such a message body and the supported values. This document specifies the encoding of an IPP operation. The aforementioned document RFC2566 is henceforth referred to as the "IPP model document"

Conformance Terminology

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 RFC2119.

Encoding of the Operation Layer

The operation layer MUST contain a single operation request or operation response. Each request or response consists of a sequence of values and attribute groups. Attribute groups consist of a sequence of attributes each of which is a name and value. Names and values are ultimately sequences of octets

The encoding consists of octets as the most primitive type. There are several types built from octets, but three important types are integers, character strings and octet strings, on which most other data types are built. Every character string in this encoding MUST be a sequence of characters where the characters are associated with some charset and some natural language. A character string MUST be in "reading order" with the first character in the value (according to reading order) being the first character in the encoding. A character string whose associated charset is US-ASCII whose associated natural language is US English is henceforth called a US-ASCII-STRING. A character string whose associated charset and natural language are specified in a request or response as described in the model document is henceforth called a LOCALIZED-STRING. An octet string MUST be in "IPP model document order" with the first octet in the value (according to the IPP model document order) being the first octet in the encoding Every integer in this encoding MUST be encoded as a signed integer using two's-complement binary encoding with big-endian format (also known as "network order" and "most significant byte

first"). The number of octets for an integer MUST be 1, 2 or 4, depending on usage in the protocol. Such one-octet integers, henceforth called SIGNED-BYTE, are used for the version-number and tag fields. Such two-byte integers, henceforth called SIGNED-SHORT are used for the operation-id, status-code and length fields. Four byte integers, henceforth called SIGNED-INTEGER, are used for values fields and the sequence number.

The following two sections present the operation layer in two ways

  - informally through pictures and description
  - formally through Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF), as specified
    by RFC 2234 RFC2234

Picture of the Encoding

The encoding for an operation request or response consists of:

 |                  version-number             |   2 bytes  - required
 |               operation-id (request)        |
 |                      or                     |   2 bytes  - required
 |               status-code (response)        |
 |                   request-id                |   4 bytes  - required
 |               xxx-attributes-tag            |   1 byte  |
 -----------------------------------------------           |-0 or more
 |             xxx-attribute-sequence          |   n bytes |
 |              end-of-attributes-tag          |   1 byte   - required
 |                     data                    |   q bytes  - optional

The xxx-attributes-tag and xxx-attribute-sequence represents four different values of "xxx", namely, operation, job, printer and unsupported. The xxx-attributes-tag and an xxx-attribute-sequence represent attribute groups in the model document. The xxx- attributes-tag identifies the attribute group and the xxx-attribute- sequence contains the attributes.

The expected sequence of xxx-attributes-tag and xxx-attribute- sequence is specified in the IPP model document for each operation request and operation response.

A request or response SHOULD contain each xxx-attributes-tag defined for that request or response even if there are no attributes except for the unsupported-attributes-tag which SHOULD be present only if the unsupported-attribute-sequence is non-empty. A receiver of a request MUST be able to process as equivalent empty attribute groups:

 a) an xxx-attributes-tag with an empty xxx-attribute-sequence,
 b) an expected but missing xxx-attributes-tag.

The data is omitted from some operations, but the end-of-attributes- tag is present even when the data is omitted. Note, the xxx- attributes-tags and end-of-attributes-tag are called 'delimiter- tags'. Note: the xxx-attribute-sequence, shown above may consist of 0 bytes, according to the rule below.

An xxx-attributes-sequence consists of zero or more compound- attributes.

 |              compound-attribute             |   s bytes - 0 or more

A compound-attribute consists of an attribute with a single value followed by zero or more additional values.

Note: a 'compound-attribute' represents a single attribute in the model document. The 'additional value' syntax is for attributes with 2 or more values.

Each attribute consists of:

 |                   value-tag                 |   1 byte
 |               name-length  (value is u)     |   2 bytes
 |                     name                    |   u bytes
 |              value-length  (value is v)     |   2 bytes
 |                     value                   |   v bytes

An additional value consists of:

 |                   value-tag                 |   1 byte  |
 -----------------------------------------------           |
 |            name-length  (value is 0x0000)   |   2 bytes |
 -----------------------------------------------           |-0 or more
 |              value-length (value is w)      |   2 bytes |
 -----------------------------------------------           |
 |                     value                   |   w bytes |

Note: an additional value is like an attribute whose name-length is 0.

From the standpoint of a parsing loop, the encoding consists of:

 |                  version-number             |   2 bytes  - required
 |               operation-id (request)        |
 |                      or                     |   2 bytes  - required
 |               status-code (response)        |
 |                   request-id                |   4 bytes  - required
 |        tag (delimiter-tag or value-tag)     |   1 byte  |
 -----------------------------------------------           |-0 or more
 |           empty or rest of attribute        |   x bytes |
 |              end-of-attributes-tag          |   2 bytes  - required
 |                     data                    |   y bytes  - optional

The value of the tag determines whether the bytes following the tag are:

  - attributes
  - data
  - the remainder of a single attribute where the tag specifies the
    type of the value.

Syntax of Encoding

The syntax below is ABNF RFC2234 except 'strings of literals' MUST be case sensitive. For example 'a' means lower case 'a' and not upper case 'A'. In addition, SIGNED-BYTE and SIGNED-SHORT fields are represented as '%x' values which show their range of values.

 ipp-message = ipp-request / ipp-response
 ipp-request = version-number operation-id request-id
       *(xxx-attributes-tag  xxx-attribute-sequence)
       end-of-attributes-tag data
 ipp-response = version-number status-code request-id
       *(xxx-attributes-tag xxx-attribute-sequence)
       end-of-attributes-tag data
 xxx-attribute-sequence = *compound-attribute
 xxx-attributes-tag = operation-attributes-tag / job-attributes-tag /
    printer-attributes-tag / unsupported-attributes-tag
 version-number = major-version-number minor-version-number
 major-version-number = SIGNED-BYTE  ; initially %d1
 minor-version-number = SIGNED-BYTE  ; initially %d0
 operation-id = SIGNED-SHORT    ; mapping from model defined below
 status-code = SIGNED-SHORT  ; mapping from model defined below
 request-id = SIGNED-INTEGER ; whose value is > 0
 compound-attribute = attribute *additional-values
 attribute = value-tag name-length name value-length value
 additional-values = value-tag zero-name-length value-length value
 name-length = SIGNED-SHORT    ; number of octets of 'name'
 name = LALPHA *( LALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "_" / "." )
 value-length = SIGNED-SHORT  ; number of octets of 'value'
 zero-name-length = %x00.00           ; name-length of 0
 operation-attributes-tag =  %x01             ; tag of 1
 job-attributes-tag   =  %x02                 ; tag of 2
 printer-attributes-tag =  %x04               ; tag of 4
 unsupported-attributes-tag =  %x05          ; tag of 5
 end-of-attributes-tag = %x03                 ; tag of 3
 value-tag = %x10-FF
 DIGIT = %x30-39    ;  "0" to "9"
 LALPHA = %x61-7A   ;  "a" to "z"
 BYTE = %x00-FF

The syntax allows an xxx-attributes-tag to be present when the xxx- attribute-sequence that follows is empty. The syntax is defined this way to allow for the response of Get-Jobs where no attributes are returned for some job-objects. Although it is RECOMMENDED that the sender not send an xxx-attributes-tag if there are no attributes (except in the Get-Jobs response just mentioned), the receiver MUST be able to decode such syntax.


The version-number MUST consist of a major and minor version-number, each of which MUST be represented by a SIGNED-BYTE. The protocol described in this document MUST have a major version-number of 1 (0x01) and a minor version-number of 0 (0x00). The ABNF for these two bytes MUST be %x01.00.


Operation-ids are defined as enums in the model document. An operation-ids enum value MUST be encoded as a SIGNED-SHORT.

Note: the values 0x4000 to 0xFFFF are reserved for private extensions.


Status-codes are defined as enums in the model document. A status- code enum value MUST be encoded as a SIGNED-SHORT.

The status-code is an operation attribute in the model document. In the protocol, the status-code is in a special position, outside of the operation attributes.

If an IPP status-code is returned, then the HTTP Status-Code MUST be 200 (successful-ok). With any other HTTP Status-Code value, the HTTP response MUST NOT contain an IPP message-body, and thus no IPP status-code is returned.


The request-id allows a client to match a response with a request. This mechanism is unnecessary in HTTP, but may be useful when application/ipp entity bodies are used in another context.

The request-id in a response MUST be the value of the request-id received in the corresponding request. A client can set the request-id in each request to a unique value or a constant value, such as 1, depending on what the client does with the request-id

returned in the response. The value of the request-id MUST be greater than zero.


There are two kinds of tags:

  - delimiter tags: delimit major sections of the protocol, namely
    attributes and data
  - value tags: specify the type of each attribute value

Delimiter Tags

The following table specifies the values for the delimiter tags:

  Tag Value (Hex)   Delimiter
  0x00              reserved
  0x01              operation-attributes-tag
  0x02              job-attributes-tag
  0x03              end-of-attributes-tag
  0x04              printer-attributes-tag
  0x05              unsupported-attributes-tag
  0x06-0x0e         reserved for future delimiters
  0x0F              reserved for future chunking-end-of-attributes-

When an xxx-attributes-tag occurs in the protocol, it MUST mean that zero or more following attributes up to the next delimiter tag are attributes belonging to group xxx as defined in the model document, where xxx is operation, job, printer, unsupported.

Doing substitution for xxx in the above paragraph, this means the following. When an operation-attributes-tag occurs in the protocol, it MUST mean that the zero or more following attributes up to the next delimiter tag are operation attributes as defined in the model document. When an job-attributes-tag occurs in the protocol, it MUST mean that the zero or more following attributes up to the next delimiter tag are job attributes or job template attributes as defined in the model document. When a printer-attributes-tag occurs in the protocol, it MUST mean that the zero or more following attributes up to the next delimiter tag are printer attributes as defined in the model document. When an unsupported-attributes-tag occurs in the protocol, it MUST mean that the zero or more following attributes up to the next delimiter tag are unsupported attributes as defined in the model document.

The operation-attributes-tag and end-of-attributes-tag MUST each occur exactly once in an operation. The operation-attributes-tag MUST be the first tag delimiter, and the end-of-attributes-tag MUST be the last tag delimiter. If the operation has a document-content group, the document data in that group MUST follow the end-of-attributes- tag.

Each of the other three xxx-attributes-tags defined above is OPTIONAL in an operation and each MUST occur at most once in an operation, except for job-attributes-tag in a Get-Jobs response which may occur zero or more times.

The order and presence of delimiter tags for each operation request and each operation response MUST be that defined in the model document. For further details, see section 3.9 "(Attribute) Name" and section 9 "Appendix A: Protocol Examples".

A Printer MUST treat the reserved delimiter tags differently from reserved value tags so that the Printer knows that there is an entire attribute group that it doesn't understand as opposed to a single value that it doesn't understand.

Value Tags

The remaining tables show values for the value-tag, which is the first octet of an attribute. The value-tag specifies the type of the value of the attribute. The following table specifies the "out-of- band" values for the value-tag.

  Tag Value (Hex) Meaning
  0x10            unsupported
  0x11            reserved for future 'default'
  0x12            unknown
  0x13            no-value
  Tag Value (Hex) Meaning
  0x14-0x1F       reserved for future "out-of-band" values.

The "unsupported" value MUST be used in the attribute-sequence of an error response for those attributes which the printer does not support. The "default" value is reserved for future use of setting value back to their default value. The "unknown" value is used for the value of a supported attribute when its value is temporarily unknown. The "no-value" value is used for a supported attribute to which

no value has been assigned, e.g. "job-k-octets-supported" has no value if an implementation supports this attribute, but an administrator has not configured the printer to have a limit.

The following table specifies the integer values for the value-tag:

  Tag Value (Hex)  Meaning
  0x20             reserved
  0x21             integer
  0x22             boolean
  0x23             enum
  0x24-0x2F        reserved for future integer types

NOTE: 0x20 is reserved for "generic integer" if it should ever be needed.

The following table specifies the octetString values for the value- tag:

  Tag Value (Hex)  Meaning
  0x30             octetString with an  unspecified format
  0x31             dateTime
  0x32             resolution
  0x33             rangeOfInteger
  0x34             reserved for collection (in the future)
  0x35             textWithLanguage
  0x36             nameWithLanguage
  0x37-0x3F        reserved for future octetString types

The following table specifies the character-string values for the value-tag:

  Tag Value (Hex)  Meaning
  0x40             reserved
  0x41             textWithoutLanguage
  0x42             nameWithoutLanguage
  0x43             reserved
  0x44             keyword
  0x45             uri
  0x46             uriScheme
  0x47             charset
  0x48             naturalLanguage
  Tag Value (Hex)  Meaning
  0x49             mimeMediaType
  0x4A-0x5F        reserved for future character string types

NOTE: 0x40 is reserved for "generic character-string" if it should ever be needed.

NOTE: an attribute value always has a type, which is explicitly specified by its tag; one such tag value is "nameWithoutLanguage". An attribute's name has an implicit type, which is keyword.

The values 0x60-0xFF are reserved for future types. There are no values allocated for private extensions. A new type MUST be registered via the type 2 registration process RFC2566.

The tag 0x7F is reserved for extending types beyond the 255 values available with a single byte. A tag value of 0x7F MUST signify that the first 4 bytes of the value field are interpreted as the tag value. Note, this future extension doesn't affect parsers that are unaware of this special tag. The tag is like any other unknown tag, and the value length specifies the length of a value which contains a value that the parser treats atomically. All these 4 byte tag values are currently unallocated except that the values 0x40000000- 0x7FFFFFFF are reserved for experimental use.


The name-length field MUST consist of a SIGNED-SHORT. This field MUST specify the number of octets in the name field which follows the name-length field, excluding the two bytes of the name-length field.

If a name-length field has a value of zero, the following name field MUST be empty, and the following value MUST be treated as an additional value for the preceding attribute. Within an attribute- sequence, if two attributes have the same name, the first occurrence MUST be ignored. The zero-length name is the only mechanism for multi-valued attributes.

(Attribute) Name

Some operation elements are called parameters in the model document RFC2566. They MUST be encoded in a special position and they MUST NOT appear as an operation attributes. These parameters are:

  - "version-number": The parameter  named "version-number" in the
    IPP model document MUST become the "version-number" field in the
    operation layer request or response.
  - "operation-id": The parameter named "operation-id" in the IPP
    model document MUST become the "operation-id" field in the
    operation layer request.
  - "status-code": The parameter named "status-code" in the IPP
    model document MUST become the "status-code" field in the
    operation layer response.
  - "request-id": The parameter named "request-id" in the IPP model
    document MUST become the "request-id" field in the operation
    layer request or response.

All Printer and Job objects are identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) RFC2396 so that they can be persistently and unambiguously referenced. The notion of a URI is a useful concept, however, until the notion of URI is more stable (i.e., defined more completely and deployed more widely), it is expected that the URIs used for IPP objects will actually be URLs RFC1738 RFC1808. Since every URL is a specialized form of a URI, even though the more generic term URI is used throughout the rest of this document, its usage is intended to cover the more specific notion of URL as well.

Some operation elements are encoded twice, once as the request-URI on the HTTP Request-Line and a second time as a REQUIRED operation attribute in the application/ipp entity. These attributes are the target URI for the operation:

  - "printer-uri": When the target is a printer and the transport is
    HTTP or HTTPS (for SSL3 [ssl]), the target printer-uri defined
    in each operation in the IPP model document MUST be an operation
    attribute called "printer-uri" and it MUST also be specified
    outside of  the operation layer as the request-URI on the
    Request-Line at the HTTP level.
  - "job-uri": When the target is a job and the transport is HTTP or
    HTTPS (for SSL3), the target job-uri of each operation in the
    IPP model document MUST be an operation attribute called "job-
    uri" and it MUST also be specified outside of  the operation
    layer as the request-URI on the Request-Line at the HTTP level.

Note: The target URI is included twice in an operation referencing the same IPP object, but the two URIs NEED NOT be literally identical. One can be a relative URI and the other can be an absolute URI. HTTP/1.1 allows clients to generate and send a relative URI rather than an absolute URI. A relative URI identifies a resource with the scope of the HTTP server, but does not include scheme, host or port. The following statements characterize how URLs should be used in the mapping of IPP onto HTTP/1.1:

  1. Although potentially redundant, a client MUST supply the target
     of the operation both as an operation attribute and as a URI at
     the HTTP layer.  The rationale for this decision is to maintain
     a consistent set of rules for mapping application/ipp to
     possibly many communication layers, even where URLs are not
     used as the addressing mechanism in the transport layer.
  2. Even though these two URLs might not be literally identical
     (one being relative and the other being absolute), they MUST
     both reference the same IPP object.
  3. The URI in the HTTP layer is either relative or absolute and is
     used by the HTTP server to route the HTTP request to the
     correct resource relative to that HTTP server.  The HTTP server
     need not be aware of the URI within the operation request.
  4. Once the HTTP server resource begins to process the HTTP
     request, it might get the reference to the appropriate IPP
     Printer object from either the HTTP URI (using to the context
     of the HTTP server for relative URLs) or from the URI within
     the operation request; the choice is up to the implementation.
  5. HTTP URIs can be relative or absolute, but the target URI in
     the operation MUST be an absolute URI.

The model document arranges the remaining attributes into groups for each operation request and response. Each such group MUST be represented in the protocol by an xxx-attribute-sequence preceded by the appropriate xxx-attributes-tag (See the table below and section 9 "Appendix A: Protocol Examples"). In addition, the order of these xxx-attributes-tags and xxx-attribute-sequences in the protocol MUST be the same as in the model document, but the order of attributes within each xxx-attribute-sequence MUST be unspecified. The table below maps the model document group name to xxx-attributes-sequence:

Model Document Group xxx-attributes-sequence

Operation Attributes operations-attributes-sequence Job Template Attributes job-attributes-sequence Job Object Attributes job-attributes-sequence Unsupported Attributes unsupported-attributes-sequence Requested Attributes job-attributes-sequence Get-Job-Attributes) Requested Attributes printer-attributes-sequence Get-Printer-Attributes) Document Content in a special position as described


If an operation contains attributes from more than one job object (e.g. Get-Jobs response), the attributes from each job object MUST be in a separate job-attribute-sequence, such that the attributes

from the ith job object are in the ith job-attribute-sequence. See Section 9 "Appendix A: Protocol Examples" for table showing the application of the rules above.

3.10 Value Length

Each attribute value MUST be preceded by a SIGNED-SHORT, which MUST specify the number of octets in the value which follows this length, exclusive of the two bytes specifying the length.

For any of the types represented by binary signed integers, the sender MUST encode the value in exactly four octets.

For any of the types represented by character-strings, the sender MUST encode the value with all the characters of the string and without any padding characters.

If a value-tag contains an "out-of-band" value, such as "unsupported", the value-length MUST be 0 and the value empty. The value has no meaning when the value-tag has an "out-of-band" value. If a client receives a response with a nonzero value-length in this case, it MUST ignore the value field. If a printer receives a request with a nonzero value-length in this case, it MUST reject the request.

3.11 (Attribute) Value

The syntax types and most of the details of their representation are defined in the IPP model document. The table below augments the information in the model document, and defines the syntax types from the model document in terms of the 5 basic types defined in section 3 "Encoding of the Operation Layer". The 5 types are US-ASCII-STRING, LOCALIZED-STRING, SIGNED-INTEGER, SIGNED-SHORT, SIGNED-BYTE, and OCTET-STRING.

Syntax of Attribute Encoding Value

textWithoutLanguage, LOCALIZED-STRING. nameWithoutLanguage

textWithLanguage OCTET_STRING consisting of 4 fields:

                   a) a SIGNED-SHORT which is the number of octets
                      in the following field
                   b) a value of type natural-language,
                   c) a SIGNED-SHORT which is the number of octets
                      in the following field,
                   d) a value of type textWithoutLanguage.
                  The length of a textWithLanguage value MUST be 4
                  + the value of field a + the value of field c.

nameWithLanguage OCTET_STRING consisting of 4 fields:

                   a) a SIGNED-SHORT which is the number of octets
                      in the following field
                   b) a value of type natural-language,
                   c) a SIGNED-SHORT which is the number of octets
                      in the following field
                   d) a value of type nameWithoutLanguage.
                  The length of a nameWithLanguage value MUST be 4
                  + the value of field a + the value of field c.

charset, US-ASCII-STRING. naturalLanguage, mimeMediaType, keyword, uri, and uriScheme

boolean SIGNED-BYTE where 0x00 is 'false' and 0x01 is


Syntax of Attribute Encoding Value

integer and enum a SIGNED-INTEGER.

dateTime OCTET-STRING consisting of eleven octets whose

                  contents are defined by "DateAndTime" in RFC
                  2579 RFC2579.

resolution OCTET_STRING consisting of nine octets of 2

                  SIGNED-INTEGERs followed by a SIGNED-BYTE. The
                  first SIGNED-INTEGER contains the value of cross
                  feed direction resolution. The second SIGNED-
                  INTEGER contains the value of feed direction
                  resolution. The SIGNED-BYTE contains the units

rangeOfInteger Eight octets consisting of 2 SIGNED-INTEGERs.

                  The first SIGNED-INTEGER contains the lower
                  bound and the second SIGNED-INTEGER contains the
                  upper  bound.

1setOf X Encoding according to the rules for an attribute

                  with more than 1 value.  Each value X is encoded
                  according to the rules for encoding its type.

octetString OCTET-STRING

The type of the value in the model document determines the encoding in the value and the value of the value-tag.

3.12 Data

The data part MUST include any data required by the operation

Encoding of Transport Layer

HTTP/1.1 RFC2068 is the transport layer for this protocol.

The operation layer has been designed with the assumption that the transport layer contains the following information:

  - the URI of the target job or printer operation
  - the total length of the data in the operation layer, either as a
    single length or as a sequence of chunks each with a length.

It is REQUIRED that a printer implementation support HTTP over the IANA assigned Well Known Port 631 (the IPP default port), though a printer implementation may support HTTP over some other port as well. In addition, a printer may have to support another port for privacy (See Section 5 "Security Considerations").

Note: even though port 631 is the IPP default, port 80 remains the default for an HTTP URI. Thus a URI for a printer using port 631 MUST contain an explicit port, e.g. "http://forest:631/pinetree". An HTTP URI for IPP with no explicit port implicitly reference port 80, which is consistent with the rules for HTTP/1.1. Each HTTP operation MUST use the POST method where the request-URI is the object target of the operation, and where the "Content-Type" of the message-body in each request and response MUST be "application/ipp". The message-body MUST contain the operation layer and MUST have the syntax described in section 3.2 "Syntax of Encoding". A client implementation MUST adhere to the rules for a client described for HTTP1.1 RFC2068. A printer (server) implementation MUST adhere the rules for an origin server described for HTTP1.1 RFC2068.

An IPP server sends a response for each request that it receives. If an IPP server detects an error, it MAY send a response before it has read the entire request. If the HTTP layer of the IPP server completes processing the HTTP headers successfully, it MAY send an

intermediate response, such as "100 Continue", with no IPP data before sending the IPP response. A client MUST expect such a variety of responses from an IPP server. For further information on HTTP/1.1, consult the HTTP documents RFC2068.

Security Considerations

The IPP Model document defines an IPP implementation with "privacy" as one that implements Secure Socket Layer Version 3 (SSL3). Note: SSL3 is not an IETF standards track specification. SSL3 meets the requirements for IPP security with regards to features such as mutual authentication and privacy (via encryption). The IPP Model document also outlines IPP-specific security considerations and should be the primary reference for security implications with regards to the IPP protocol itself.

The IPP Model document defines an IPP implementation with "authentication" as one that implements the standard way for transporting IPP messages within HTTP 1.1. These include the security considerations outlined in the HTTP 1.1 standard document RFC2068 and Digest Access Authentication extension RFC2069.

The current HTTP infrastructure supports HTTP over TCP port 80. IPP server implementations MUST offer IPP services using HTTP over the IANA assigned Well Known Port 631 (the IPP default port). IPP server implementations may support other ports, in addition to this port.

See further discussion of IPP security concepts in the model document RFC2566.

Using IPP with SSL3

An assumption is that the URI for a secure IPP Printer object has been found by means outside the IPP printing protocol, via a directory service, web site or other means.

IPP provides a transparent connection to SSL by calling the corresponding URL (a https URI connects by default to port 443). However, the following functions can be provided to ease the integration of IPP with SSL during implementation:

  connect (URI), returns a status
     "connect" makes an https call and returns the immediate status
     of the connection as returned by SSL to the user. The status
     values are explained in section 5.4.2 of the SSL document
     A session-id may also be retained to later resume a session.
     The SSL handshake protocol may also require the cipher
     specifications supported by the client, key length of the
     ciphers, compression methods, certificates, etc. These should
     be sent to the server and hence should be available to the IPP
     client (although as part of administration features).
  disconnect (session)
     to disconnect a particular session.
     The session-id available from the "connect" could be used.
  resume (session)
     to reconnect using a previous session-id.

The availability of this information as administration features are left for implementers, and need not be specified at this time.


RFC2278 Freed, N. and J. Postel, "IANA Charset Registration

         Procedures", BCP 19, RFC 2278, January 1998.

[dpa] ISO/IEC 10175 Document Printing Application (DPA), June


[iana] IANA Registry of Coded Character Sets:


[ipp-iig] Hastings, Tom, et al., "Internet Printing Protocol/1.0:

         Implementer's Guide", Work in Progress.

RFC2569 Herriot, R., Hastings, T., Jacobs, N. and J. Martin,

         "Mapping between LPD and IPP Protocols", RFC 2569, April

RFC2566 deBry, R., Hastings, T., Herriot, R., Isaacson, S. and P.

         Powell, "Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and
         Semantics", RFC 2566, April 1999.

RFC2565 Herriot, R., Butler, S., Moore, P., Tuner, R., "Internet

         Printing Protocol/1.0: Encoding and Transport", RFC 2565,
         April 1999.

RFC2568 Zilles, S., "Rationale for the Structure and Model and

         Protocol for the Internet Printing Protocol", RFC 2568,
         April 1999.

RFC2567 Wright, D., "Design Goals for an Internet Printing

         Protocol", RFC 2567, April 1999.

RFC822 Crocker, D., "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text

         Messages", STD 11, RFC 822, August 1982.

RFC1123 Braden, R., "Requirements for Internet Hosts - Application

         and Support", STD 3, RFC 1123, October 1989.

RFC1179 McLaughlin, L. III, (editor), "Line Printer Daemon

         Protocol" RFC 1179, August 1990.

RFC2223 Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "Instructions to RFC Authors",

         RFC 2223, October 1997.

RFC1738 Berners-Lee, T., Masinter, L. and M. McCahill, "Uniform

         Resource Locators (URL)", RFC 1738, December 1994.

RFC1759 Smith, R., Wright, F., Hastings, T., Zilles, S. and J.

         Gyllenskog, "Printer MIB", RFC 1759, March 1995.

RFC1766 Alvestrand, H., " Tags for the Identification of

         Languages", RFC 1766, March 1995.

RFC1808 Fielding, R., "Relative Uniform Resource Locators", RFC

         1808, June 1995.

RFC2579 McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D. and J. Schoenwaelder, "Textual

         Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2579, April 1999.

RFC2046 Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, Multipurpose Internet Mail

         Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types", RFC 2046,
         November 1996.

RFC2048 Freed, N., Klensin J. and J. Postel. Multipurpose Internet

         Mail Extension (MIME) Part Four: Registration Procedures",
         BCP 13, RFC 2048, November 1996.

RFC2068 Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H. and T.

         Berners-Lee, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC
         2068, January 1997.

RFC2069 Franks, J., Hallam-Baker, P., Hostetler, J., Leach, P.,

         Luotonen, A., Sink, E. and L. Stewart, "An Extension to
         HTTP: Digest Access Authentication", RFC 2069, January

RFC2119 Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

         Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

RFC2184 Freed, N. and K. Moore, "MIME Parameter Value and Encoded

         Word Extensions: Character Sets, Languages, and
         Continuations", RFC 2184, August 1997.

RFC2234 Crocker, D. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax

         Specifications: ABNF", RFC 2234. November 1997.

RFC2396 Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R. and L. Masinter, "Uniform

         Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax", RFC 2396,
         August 1998.

Authors' Addresses

Robert Herriot (Editor) Xerox Corporation 3400 Hillview Ave., Bldg #1 Palo Alto, CA 94304

Phone: 650-813-7696 Fax: 650-813-6860 EMail: [email protected]

Sylvan Butler Hewlett-Packard 11311 Chinden Blvd. Boise, ID 83714

Phone: 208-396-6000 Fax: 208-396-3457 EMail: [email protected]

Paul Moore Microsoft One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98053

Phone: 425-936-0908 Fax: 425-93MS-FAX EMail: [email protected]

Randy Turner Sharp Laboratories 5750 NW Pacific Rim Blvd Camas, WA 98607

Phone: 360-817-8456 Fax: 360-817-8436 EMail: [email protected]

IPP Mailing List: [email protected] IPP Mailing List Subscription: [email protected] IPP Web Page: http://www.pwg.org/ipp/

Other Participants:

Chuck Adams - Tektronix Harry Lewis - IBM Ron Bergman - Dataproducts Tony Liao - Vivid Image Keith Carter - IBM David Manchala - Xerox Angelo Caruso - Xerox Carl-Uno Manros - Xerox Jeff Copeland - QMS Jay Martin - Underscore Roger deBry - IBM Larry Masinter - Xerox Lee Farrell - Canon Ira McDonald - High North Inc. Sue Gleeson - Digital Bob Pentecost - Hewlett-Packard Charles Gordon - Osicom Patrick Powell - Astart


Brian Grimshaw - Apple Jeff Rackowitz - Intermec Jerry Hadsell - IBM Xavier Riley - Xerox Richard Hart - Digital Gary Roberts - Ricoh Tom Hastings - Xerox Stuart Rowley - Kyocera Stephen Holmstead Richard Schneider - Epson Zhi-Hong Huang - Zenographics Shigern Ueda - Canon Scott Isaacson - Novell Bob Von Andel - Allegro Software Rich Lomicka - Digital William Wagner - Digital Products David Kellerman - Northlake Jasper Wong - Xionics Software Robert Kline - TrueSpectra Don Wright - Lexmark Dave Kuntz - Hewlett-Packard Rick Yardumian - Xerox Takami Kurono - Brother Lloyd Young - Lexmark Rich Landau - Digital Peter Zehler - Xerox Greg LeClair - Epson Frank Zhao - Panasonic

                                Steve Zilles - Adobe

Appendix A: Protocol Examples

Print-Job Request

The following is an example of a Print-Job request with job-name, copies, and sides specified. The "ipp-attribute-fidelity" attribute is set to 'true' so that the print request will fail if the "copies" or the "sides" attribute are not supported or their values are not supported.

Octets          Symbolic Value                Protocol field
0x0100          1.0                           version-number
0x0002          Print-Job                     operation-id
0x00000001      1                             request-id
0x01            start operation-attributes    operation-attributes-tag
0x47            charset type                  value-tag
0x0012                                        name-length
attributes-     attributes-charset            name
0x0008                                        value-length
us-ascii        US-ASCII                      value
0x48            natural-language type         value-tag
0x001B                                        name-length
attributes-     attributes-natural-language   name
0x0005                                        value-length
en-us           en-US                         value
0x45            uri type                      value-tag
0x000B                                        name-length
printer-uri     printer-uri                   name
0x001A                                        value-length
http://forest:  printer pinetree              value
0x42            nameWithoutLanguage type      value-tag
0x0008                                        name-length
job-name        job-name                      name
0x0006                                        value-length
foobar          foobar                        value
0x22            boolean type                  value-tag
0x16                                          name-length
ipp-attribute-  ipp-attribute-fidelity        name
0x01                                          value-length
0x01            true                          value
0x02            start job-attributes          job-attributes-tag
0x21            integer type                  value-tag
0x0006                                        name-length
copies          copies                        name
0x0004                                        value-length
0x00000014      20                            value
0x44            keyword type                  value-tag
0x0005                                        name-length
sides           sides                         name
0x0013                                        value-length
two-sided-      two-sided-long-edge           value
0x03            end-of-attributes             end-of-attributes-tag
%!PS...         <PostScript>                  data

Print-Job Response (successful)

Here is an example of a successful Print-Job response to the previous Print-Job request. The printer supported the "copies" and "sides" attributes and their supplied values. The status code returned is ' successful-ok'.

Octets            Symbolic Value              Protocol field
0x0100            1.0                         version-number
0x0000            successful-ok               status-code
0x00000001        1                           request-id
0x01              start operation-attributes  operation-attributes-tag
0x47              charset type                value-tag
0x0012                                        name-length
attributes-       attributes-charset          name
0x0008                                        value-length
us-ascii          US-ASCII                    value
0x48              natural-language type       value-tag
0x001B                                        name-length
attributes-       attributes-natural-         name
natural-language  language
0x0005                                        value-length
en-us             en-US                       value
0x41              textWithoutLanguage type    value-tag
0x000E                                        name-length
status-message    status-message              name
0x000D                                        value-length
successful-ok     successful-ok               value
0x02              start job-attributes        job-attributes-tag
0x21              integer                     value-tag
0x0006                                        name-length
Octets            Symbolic Value              Protocol field
job-id            job-id                      name
0x0004                                        value-length
147               147                         value
0x45              uri type                    value-tag
0x0007                                        name-length
job-uri           job-uri                     name
0x001E                                        value-length
http://forest:63  job 123 on pinetree         value
0x42              nameWithoutLanguage type    value-tag
0x0009                                        name-length
job-state         job-state                   name
0x0004                                        value-length
0x0003            pending                     value
0x03              end-of-attributes           end-of-attributes-tag

Print-Job Response (failure)

Here is an example of an unsuccessful Print-Job response to the previous Print-Job request. It fails because, in this case, the printer does not support the "sides" attribute and because the value '20' for the "copies" attribute is not supported. Therefore, no job is created, and neither a "job-id" nor a "job-uri" operation attribute is returned. The error code returned is 'client-error- attributes-or-values-not-supported' (0x040B).

Octets        Symbolic Value                Protocol field
0x0100        1.0                           version-number
0x040B        client-error-attributes-or-   status-code
0x00000001    1                             request-id
0x01          start operation-attributes    operation-attribute tag
0x47          charset type                  value-tag
0x0012                                      name-length
attributes-   attributes-charset            name
0x0008                                      value-length
us-ascii      US-ASCII                      value
0x48          natural-language type         value-tag
0x001B                                      name-length
attributes-   attributes-natural-language   name
0x0005                                      value-length
Octets            Symbolic Value              Protocol field
en-us         en-US                         value
0x41          textWithoutLanguage type      value-tag
0x000E                                      name-length
status-       status-message                name
0x002F                                      value-length
client-error- client-error-attributes-or-   value
attributes-   values-not-supported
0x05          start unsupported-attributes  unsupported-attributes tag
0x21          integer type                  value-tag
0x0006                                      name-length
copies        copies                        name
0x0004                                      value-length
0x00000014    20                            value
0x10          unsupported  (type)           value-tag
0x0005                                      name-length
sides         sides                         name
0x0000                                      value-length
0x03          end-of-attributes             end-of-attributes-tag

Print-Job Response (success with attributes ignored)

Here is an example of a successful Print-Job response to a Print-Job request like the previous Print-Job request, except that the value of 'ipp-attribute-fidelity' is false. The print request succeeds, even though, in this case, the printer supports neither the "sides" attribute nor the value '20' for the "copies" attribute. Therefore, a job is created, and both a "job-id" and a "job-uri" operation attribute are returned. The unsupported attributes are also returned in an Unsupported Attributes Group. The error code returned is ' successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes' (0x0001).

Octets            Symbolic Value              Protocol field
0x0100            1.0                         version-number
0x0001            successful-ok-ignored-or-   status-code
0x00000001        1                           request-id
0x01              start operation-attributes  operation-attributes-tag
0x47              charset type                value-tag
0x0012                                        name-length
attributes-       attributes-charset          name
0x0008                                        value-length
Octets            Symbolic Value              Protocol field
us-ascii          US-ASCII                    value
0x48              natural-language type       value-tag
0x001B                                        name-length
attributes-       attributes-natural-         name
natural-language  language
0x0005                                        value-length
en-us             en-US                       value
0x41              textWithoutLanguage type    value-tag
0x000E                                        name-length
status-message    status-message              name
0x002F                                        value-length
successful-ok-    successful-ok-ignored-or-   value
ignored-or-       substituted-attributes
0x05              start unsupported-          unsupported-attributes
               attributes                  tag
0x21              integer type                value-tag
0x0006                                        name-length
copies            copies                      name
0x0004                                        value-length
0x00000014        20                          value
0x10              unsupported  (type)         value-tag
0x0005                                        name-length
sides             sides                       name
0x0000                                        value-length
0x02              start job-attributes        job-attributes-tag
0x21              integer                     value-tag
0x0006                                        name-length
job-id            job-id                      name
0x0004                                        value-length
147               147                         value
0x45              uri type                    value-tag
0x0007                                        name-length
job-uri           job-uri                     name
0x001E                                        value-length
http://forest:63  job 123 on pinetree         value
0x42              nameWithoutLanguage type    value-tag
0x0009                                        name-length
job-state         job-state                   name
0x0004                                        value-length
0x0003            pending                     value
0x03              end-of-attributes           end-of-attributes-tag

Print-URI Request

The following is an example of Print-URI request with copies and job-name parameters:

Octets         Symbolic Value               Protocol field
0x0100         1.0                          version-number
Octets         Symbolic Value               Protocol field
0x0003         Print-URI                    operation-id
0x00000001     1                            request-id
0x01           start operation-attributes   operation-attributes-tag
0x47           charset type                 value-tag
0x0012                                      name-length
attributes-    attributes-charset           name
0x0008                                      value-length
us-ascii       US-ASCII                     value
0x48           natural-language type        value-tag
0x001B                                      name-length
attributes-    attributes-natural-language  name
0x0005                                      value-length
en-us          en-US                        value
0x45           uri type                     value-tag
0x000B                                      name-length
printer-uri    printer-uri                  name
0x001A                                      value-length
http://forest  printer pinetree             value
0x45           uri type                     value-tag
0x000C                                      name-length
document-uri   document-uri                 name
0x11                                        value-length
ftp://foo.com  ftp://foo.com/foo            value
0x42           nameWithoutLanguage type     value-tag
0x0008                                      name-length
job-name       job-name                     name
0x0006                                      value-length
foobar         foobar                       value
0x02           start job-attributes         job-attributes-tag
0x21           integer type                 value-tag
0x0006                                      name-length
copies         copies                       name
0x0004                                      value-length
0x00000001     1                            value
0x03           end-of-attributes            end-of-attributes-tag

Create-Job Request

The following is an example of Create-Job request with no parameters and no attributes:

Octets         Symbolic Value              Protocol field
0x0100         1.0                         version-number
0x0005         Create-Job                  operation-id
0x00000001     1                           request-id
0x01           start operation-attributes  operation-attributes-tag
0x47           charset type                value-tag
0x0012                                     name-length
Octets         Symbolic Value              Protocol field
attributes-    attributes-charset          name
0x0008                                     value-length
us-ascii       US-ASCII                    value
0x48           natural-language type       value-tag
0x001B                                     name-length
attributes-    attributes-natural-language name
0x0005                                     value-length
en-us          en-US                       value
0x45           uri type                    value-tag
0x000B                                     name-length
printer-uri    printer-uri                 name
0x001A                                     value-length
http://forest: printer pinetree            value
0x03           end-of-attributes           end-of-attributes-tag

Get-Jobs Request

The following is an example of Get-Jobs request with parameters but no attributes:

Octets           Symbolic Value               Protocol field
0x0100           1.0                          version-number
0x000A           Get-Jobs                     operation-id
0x00000123       0x123                        request-id
0x01             start operation-attributes   operation-attributes-tag
0x47             charset type                 value-tag
Octets           Symbolic Value               Protocol field
0x0012                                        name-length
attributes-      attributes-charset           name
0x0008                                        value-length
us-ascii         US-ASCII                     value
0x48             natural-language type        value-tag
0x001B                                        name-length
attributes-      attributes-natural-language  name
0x0005                                        value-length
en-us            en-US                        value
0x45             uri type                     value-tag
0x000B                                        name-length
printer-uri      printer-uri                  name
0x001A                                        value-length
http://forest:6  printer pinetree             value
0x21             integer type                 value-tag
0x0005                                        name-length
limit            limit                        name
0x0004                                        value-length
0x00000032       50                           value
0x44             keyword type                 value-tag
0x0014                                        name-length
requested-       requested-attributes         name
0x0006                                        value-length
job-id           job-id                       value
0x44             keyword type                 value-tag
0x0000           additional value             name-length
0x0008                                        value-length
job-name         job-name                     value
0x44             keyword type                 value-tag
0x0000           additional value             name-length
0x000F                                        value-length
document-format  document-format              value
0x03             end-of-attributes            end-of-attributes-tag

Get-Jobs Response

The following is an of Get-Jobs response from previous request with 3 jobs. The Printer returns no information about the second job (because of security reasons):

Octets           Symbolic Value                Protocol field
0x0100           1.0                           version-number
0x0000           successful-ok                 status-code
0x00000123       0x123                         request-id (echoed
0x01             start operation-attributes    operation-attribute-tag
0x47             charset type                  value-tag
0x0012                                         name-length
attributes-      attributes-charset            name
0x000A                                         value-length
ISO-8859-1       ISO-8859-1                    value
0x48             natural-language type         value-tag
0x001B                                         name-length
attributes-      attributes-natural-language   name
0x0005                                         value-length
en-us            en-US                         value
0x41             textWithoutLanguage type      value-tag
0x000E                                         name-length
status-message   status-message                name
0x000D                                         value-length
successful-ok    successful-ok                 value
0x02             start job-attributes (1st     job-attributes-tag
0x21             integer type                  value-tag
0x0006                                         name-length
job-id           job-id                        name
0x0004                                         value-length
147              147                           value
0x36             nameWithLanguage              value-tag
0x0008                                         name-length
job-name         job-name                      name
0x000C                                         value-length
0x0005                                         sub-value-length
fr-ca            fr-CA                         value
0x0003                                         sub-value-length
fou              fou                           name
0x02             start job-attributes (2nd     job-attributes-tag
0x02             start job-attributes (3rd     job-attributes-tag
0x21             integer type                  value-tag
0x0006                                         name-length
job-id           job-id                        name
0x0004                                         value-length
Octets           Symbolic Value                Protocol field
148              148                           value
0x36             nameWithLanguage              value-tag
0x0008                                         name-length
job-name         job-name                      name
0x0012                                         value-length
0x0005                                         sub-value-length
de-CH            de-CH                         value
0x0009                                         sub-value-length
isch guet        isch guet                     name
0x03             end-of-attributes             end-of-attributes-tag

10. Appendix C: Registration of MIME Media Type Information for


This appendix contains the information that IANA requires for registering a MIME media type. The information following this paragraph will be forwarded to IANA to register application/ipp whose contents are defined in Section 3 "Encoding of the Operation Layer" in this document:

MIME type name: application

MIME subtype name: ipp

A Content-Type of "application/ipp" indicates an Internet Printing Protocol message body (request or response). Currently there is one version: IPP/1.0, whose syntax is described in Section 3 "Encoding of the Operation Layer" of RFC2565, and whose semantics are described in RFC2566.

Required parameters: none

Optional parameters: none

Encoding considerations:

IPP/1.0 protocol requests/responses MAY contain long lines and ALWAYS contain binary data (for example attribute value lengths).

Security considerations:

IPP/1.0 protocol requests/responses do not introduce any security risks not already inherent in the underlying transport protocols. Protocol mixed-version interworking rules in RFC2566 as well as protocol encoding rules in RFC2565 are complete and unambiguous.

Interoperability considerations:

IPP/1.0 requests (generated by clients) and responses (generated by servers) MUST comply with all conformance requirements imposed by the normative specifications RFC2566 and RFC2565. Protocol encoding rules specified in RFC2565 are comprehensive, so that interoperability between conforming implementations is guaranteed (although support for specific optional features is not ensured). Both the "charset" and "natural-language" of all IPP/1.0 attribute values which are a LOCALIZED-STRING are explicit within IPP protocol requests/responses (without recourse to any external information in HTTP, SMTP, or other message transport headers).

Published specification:

RFC2566 Isaacson, S., deBry, R., Hastings, T., Herriot, R. and P.

         Powell, "Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and
         Semantics" RFC 2566, April 1999.

RFC2565 Herriot, R., Butler, S., Moore, P., Tuner, R., "Internet

         Printing Protocol/1.0: Encoding and Transport", RFC 2565,
         April 1999.

Applications which use this media type:

Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) print clients and print servers, communicating using HTTP/1.1 (see RFC2565), SMTP/ESMTP, FTP, or other transport protocol. Messages of type "application/ipp" are self-contained and transport-independent, including "charset" and "natural-language" context for any LOCALIZED-STRING value.

Person & email address to contact for further information:

Scott A. Isaacson Novell, Inc. 122 E 1700 S Provo, UT 84606

Phone: 801-861-7366 Fax: 801-861-4025 Email: [email protected]


Robert Herriot (Editor) Xerox Corporation 3400 Hillview Ave., Bldg #1 Palo Alto, CA 94304

Phone: 650-813-7696 Fax: 650-813-6860 EMail: [email protected]

11. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than English.

The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.