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Network Working Group B. Cosell RFC #256 BBN NIC #7697 3 November 1971 Categories: B.1 Updates: None Obsoletes: None

                   IMPSYS Change Notification
    We will shortly install (or perhaps will have already

installed) a new version of the IMP system, Version 2513. The new version incorporates two principal changes:

 1.  A Host will be prevented from sending any messages
     into the Network for between 40 seconds and a
     minute and a quarter after he comes alive (this
     has been changed from between 30 seconds and a
 2.  The IMP has been given the ability to test its Host
     interfaces under control of the NCC.  This will help
     us isolate the trouble when the IMP Host communication
     path is faulty.


   [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
   [ into the online RFC archives by BBN Corp. under the   ]
   [ direction of Alex McKenzie.                   12/96   ]