From RFC-Wiki

Network Working Group A. G. Nemeth Request for Comments: 43 M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory

                                          8 April 1970

                     Proposed Meeting

  On Friday, 8 May 1970, at 9:30 AM a meeting at M.I.T. Lincoln

Laboratory is proposed. A description of LIL (Local Interaction Language) for the TSP (Terminal Support Processor) system will be presented.

  The purpose of the TSP system is to provide a flexible I/O

capability for network users. In order to achieve maximum flexibility, the system is user-programmable in an interpretable language called LIL.

  LIL has the appropriate primitives for manipulating tree

structures (for interactive graphics) as well as message-oriented I/O. The general purpose portion of the language is used to specify the I/O handlers and the display structures.

  A discussion of the problems of handling interactive programs

over the ARPA network will follow.

  This conference is intended as a working group and each host

should send as few or as many individuals as are actively interested. A working document on LIL will be mailed about a week in advance to interested individuals.

  Anyone interested in attending and/or receiving the documents

should contact A. G. Nemeth (x7354) or J. Forgie (x7173) at M.I.T. Lincoln Labs, Lexington, Mass. 02173, (617) 862-5500.

[This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry into the RFC archives by Glenn Forbes Fleming Larratt]

                 December 27, 1996